
Elected Town Officials

The Town Council, consisting of five members, is the Town’s legislative and policy-making body. The Council hires and supervises the Town Manager. Members are elected at large on a non-partisan basis for overlapping three-year terms of office. The Chairman of the Council is elected from among the Council membership on an annual basis. The Town Council also serves as the Board of Assessors and Overseers of the Poor.

Appointed Town Officials

The Town Manager serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town and is responsible to the Town Council for the administration of all departments. Operating department heads serving under the direction of the Town Manager are appointed by the Manager. All other employees are appointed by the Town Manager upon recommendation from the Department Head and subject to any such personnel rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Town Council. The following major Department Heads report to the Town Manager: Planning, Town Clerk, Public Works, Code Enforcement, Police, Fire, Recreation, Social Services, and Library.

Appointed Board Committees

Advisory Committees appointed by the Town Council provide assistance to the Council in specialized areas

Staff Directory

Directory of most staff members

Town Organizations